It has been a while
since my last blog post as I’ve been slacking off because it was too cold to
cook in such a freezing weather. But as soon as I saw some delicious strawberry
on sale at supermarket, I just couldn’t help but buy some and start put in thought
what can I made with that. And first thing come up to my mind is some beautiful
cake accompany with the strawberry. As it was a recipe I found on some Japanese
website but I recreated little bit of it.
Since I wasn’t plan
on making cake so I didn’t prepare a sponge cake night before, so instead of
baking the whole cake, I bake it layer by layer and surprisingly it was
actually easier while you assembly the cake together. Especially when I always
had hard time slicing the cake evenly, it actually saves a lot of work and
time. This cake was practice for my mum coming birthday cake in a week time. Hope you like it and would love to share the birthday cake that I’m going to make for my mum very soon.
Sponge Cake
4 eggs, separated
70g Sugar
75g plain flour, sifted
White Chocolate Lemon mousse
60g White Chocolate
75ml Milk
1 lemon zest
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
25ml water
5g gelatine powder
150g cream, whipped
500g strawberry, washed
150g cream, whipped
1 tablespoon icing sugar

2) Whisk the egg white at high speed
until it form a soft peak and then slow add in the sugars.
3) Continue whisk egg white until it
firm and glossy.

4) Add in the remaining egg yolk into
egg white and whisk for 5 second until it well combined.

5) Add in the sifted flour and gently
fold in with the egg mixture.

6) Transfer the batter into pipping bag
and pipe according to your stencil.
7) Bake for 8-10 minutes depend on the
size and thickness. (My stencil is 8 inch and about 2cm thick and bake for 10
minutes, you can check if the cake is fully cooked by using skewer test, if it
comes out clean then your sponge cake it ready.)
8) Repeat until all the batter is
finish, it will make 3 layer of sponge cake.

9) Once the sponge cake out of oven,
place a baking sheet on top and flip it over.
10) Carefully peel off the baking sheet.
Put the baking sheet back on top and wait until it cool down.
11) Once it all cools down, trim 2 piece
of sponge cake into 8 inch and 1 piece into 6 inch.

12) Meanwhile, wash the strawberry and
pick the best looking 5 strawberries out and halved and sliced the strawberry.
13) Soak the gelatine powder with water.

14) Put milk, vanilla essence and lemon
zest in the pot and heat until small bubble appear on the side. Set aside to
cool down a little.

15) Pour the milk into the white
chocolate and let it set for a minute. Slowly stir the milk and white chocolate
until all chocolate is melted and combined with milk.
16) Put the gelatine into microwave for
5 second until it comes out clear (Or hot water baths it.). Mix in with the
white chocolate.

17) Whipped the cream until soft peak
form, and then mix in with the white chocolate.

18) Place a piece of 8 inch sponge cake
on the bottoms; arrange the halved strawberry around the cake mould.
19) Arrange the sliced strawberry on top
of the sponge cake.

20) Pour half of the white chocolate
lemon mousse and spread out evenly.
21) Place the 6inch sponge cake on top
and repeat step 19) and 20).

22) Place the 8 inch sponge on top and
refrigerate for at least an hours.
23) Whipped the remaining cream with
icing sugar into firm peak and apply a thin layer on top.

24) Transfer the rest into to a pipping
with your favourite nozzle and decorate as pleased.
Bon Appetite.
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